Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happens way too much...

I know you  passed through this... and you were f*cking scared! AhahahahaahhaaAH
Eu sei que você passou por isso... e ficou com muito medo! AhahAhahAHaha

Friday, February 10, 2012

Have you ever thought about it?

Do you have a wedding ring? AahhAHahHAhaHA
Tem um anel de casamento ai? AhahhAHAhahAH

Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's not about graphics...

It's about the gameplay! HAhahahAHhaHA, how can we play a game with that graphics? HAhhAHahA

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Angry birds?!

Omg! That GiantAgryBird killed that poor Cyc! Call the cops!
Aamagad! Aquele PássaroGiganteNervoso matou aquele pobre Cyc! Chama o Bátima!



Monday, February 6, 2012

Yeah! I'm Ash Ketchum!

Yeah! Brock must be near... I want that badge! Cath'em all!
É! Brock deve estar perto... Eu quero aquela insignia!